Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm a RUNNER?!?!?!?!

So lets see..... Where should I begin. Stefanie has finally conned me into running. I run my first official face on Feb. 14. I think we are going to run the 12K since I will just make it part of my training program. Needless to say I always knew that running was expensive, but holy crap when 2 people are running in a family you better own stock in a gold mine. Well not really it is just the start up costs that have been expensive. I finally think I have enough equipment for most kinds of weather.

I had to buy a new pair of running shoes because I found out I have FAT feet! My feet overpronate too much and my arches where busting out the sides of my shoes when I ran. Thus causing my feet to really hurt.... sooo much to the point I was limping during my walking intervals. O well... enough of my wining about my stupid feet. I have to admit I kinda of like running to some extent. Do not count on my running a full marathon anytime soon but I do plan on attempting a half in November.

I send my apologies out to Amanda Cook. Sorry you will loose your weekend buddy for some of the races. Have no fear you have not lost me for all of them. There will be plenty of races that I sit out and then we can spend the time taking pictures. That is all for the first installment of Nerd On The Run. Tune back later... Same NERD channel, Same NERD time!!!!!!!


Stefanie said...

Woo hoo for a running Nerd!!!!

Unknown said...

So you wanna go ahead and sign up for the Aviation marathon and get it out of the way!!!!