Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Losing Weight Sucks!

For those of you who know Stefanie and I have been working really hard to lose weight. Well we have been losing weight and lots of it. That might sound like a good thing and believe me it is. However, it has a severe downside. I now have nothing that FITS!!!! I am afraid to buy new stuff because I want to lose more and the new stuff I buy will not fit after awhile so I am only trying to buy enough to get me buy. The worst thing is that I tried on my suits last night and they are extremely too large now.

I am going on a cruise in 3 weeks and this will be the first cruise that I have not worn a suit on for the Formal Night. It really bums me out because I want to look good on the cruise and take really nice pictures with Stefanie to show we have lost weight. One of our favorite pictures that we use for everything was taken on one of our first cruises. I was hoping to get another good picture to replace that one since we have lost so much weight. However it now looks like that goal will have to wait for the December cruise when I hopefully break 200 and able to buy a new suit without worrying too much about being to fit into it later on.

I suppose this is my hissy fit for the week. Stefanie had a hissy fit about running and I am having one about big clothes. Trust me I am extremely happy that I have lost so much weight but it is also expensive to keep up with all of the clothes that need to be replaced too. O well, I suppose that is how the cookie crumbles.

HISSY FIT OVER!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Food for thought, buy a suit for the cruise and keep the receits. Look good my man cause you deserve it.